Study conducted by Mt Sinai Hospital and Respiratory Health Association about Asthma disparities in Chicago A study on Childhood asthma in Chicago Chicago information about Asthma and related health issues ( in the section preventing and controlling chronic disease) Vulnerable populations: Daycares next to freeways in LA Connection between cleaner air and longer lives Concerns about Diesel Engine Exhaust, Oregon Relating air pollution to criminal activity, Chicago The effects of air pollution on the health of Children Children’s health collection Disease outcomes and exposure 2014 Children’s health collection Disease outcomes and exposure 2015 USEPA Health Assessment for diesel engine exhaust Success study: Less diesel pollution leads to healthier lungs in LA Monserrat, Laurie. "Health Effects of Diesel Exhaust." OEHHA. N.p., 21 June 2016. 14 July 2017. EPA AQI Breakpoints Study relating PM2.5 exposure to obesity and Diabetes Susceptibility of the aging lung to environmental injury
City of Chicago Idling Reduction Ordinance Lack of enforcement on diesel engine idling ordinance, Chicago
Columbia University monitoring Diesel Pollution during construction City of Chicago Clean Diesel Construction Ordinance Clean Diesel Initiative, Portland
Air Quality Monitoring
The changing paradigm of air pollution monitoring
Chicago Statistic mapper (Chronic diseases) Airbeam Air Monitor City of Chicago data on Asthma Hospitalizations 2000-2011 Hospital Discharge Data, Illinois Department of Public Health, 2011. Web. 21 June 2017. Illinois Department of Public Health Childhood Asthma Surveillance Report 2011-2014 CDC 500 Cities Project – Model-based health data estimates EPA Report on the Environment PM Information and Emissions Trends